


Song of the sea. It a verry great show .

动感的音乐+美丽的灯光+喷泉+烟花+卡通动画= Song of the sea

It a veli great show .We are so lucky, fortunately not raining if not will not had a chance to see the show .

The building of the "durian" design .Is one of the spot you should go to have a look when you go singapore .

一天的新加坡之旅,感觉蛮不错的呢。Sentosa 好大呢一天都走不完呢。去了新加坡海底世界与海豚乐园。那儿的海底世界跟KLCC的海底世界比呢就没那么多东西看了。但它的海豚乐园就蛮不错呢。海豚表演很精彩呢。Sentosa Casino 说大也不大说小也不小呢。 Songs of the sea, 真的超精彩呢他的表演。比我在上海看的喷泉表演还要精彩呢。新加坡的美食跟马来西亚也差不多。吃了炒果条跟我们这边也没什么分别。下次很想在圣诞节去新加坡呢。听说很美呢。

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